1 Love One World, and one challenge we all have in common. Protecting our planet and resources, so everyone can live their best lives possible. The necessity to raise our voices does not stop until water, food, proper health care and education are guaranteed for absolutely everyone. If you're interested in charity, please feel free to explore the organizations we present on this website. The United Tuesday Association does not receive any money at any point. We only redirect to the original donation pages. Just hit the link and you'll find a collection of various established organizations to choose from. No matter what subject you feel drawn to the most, whether it's human rights, health care or animal protection, you'll find a recipient of your choice. This is not a one time single opportunity, but more a sustainable and ongoing campaign in the future. So please come back anytime, catch some good vibes and let us inspire you with more features to come.

Because social growth and awareness have to become more and more relevant to each and everyone of us, the United Tuesday website provides a fashionable space, combined with rich information and simple access to over 50 valuable news sources. All images are handpicked and not offensive or explicit. An archive, where pop cultural relics and rarities, history facts and design, as well as architecture and everything else that evidently portrays the beauties of our nature, is collected. We offer an easy approach to educational and social work also. One less intimidating, when facing the responsibility to learn and tackle injustices in our world today. How many times do people ask themselves if it's worth the effort, reasoning into the conclusion, their contribution won't change anything anyway, and then end up doing nothing? Probably 99%. That's why transformation has to be a motivational and fun experience. Never easy to achieve, but without a doubt always worth the effort.


A modern metaphor, inspiring equally united peace and freedom, love and life

Raising Awareness
United Tuesday supports UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 20 organizations concerned with the well-being of earths inhabitants.
Collective Effort
Our archive is curated with the help of 1900+ content creators and bloggers, including everything that evidently portrays the beauties of our nature.
Steady Growth
As of today we collected 80K+ exhibits showcasing thousands of artists around the globe and covering a wide variety of fascinating relics.


Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. -- Franz Kafka