it’s our goal to combine the serious cause has, with fun content that gives it a more casual appeal than usual when it comes to education and social work. We believe, that this approach contributes to the willingness – especially amongst younger people – to get involved and deal with the responsability each and everyone individually has to focus on more determined in the future, so the many devestating situations we’re facing can be solved without compromise.
Considering the pandemic we’ve all witnessed so vividly the last 2 years, along with global warming and rising conflict everywhere, wants to proactively address future change makers and contribute with this dedication to all of those, who have made it a priority in their lives to be loud and relentless, about rising above the unpleasant inequities and illnesses evolving more and more througout the world today.
Sincere and with nothing but positivity to offer, we’re throwing a color- and playfull, easy to use website with great informative content into the mix of existing NPO’s / NGO’s. With a modern metaphor and digital monument, inspiring peace and freedom, love and life, we’re making efforts to support established organizations such as United Nation (SDG’s), UNICEF, Amnesty, Peta, WWF, Greenpeace, Sea-Watch, Save the Children, Red Cross, Peace One Day, amfAR, The Global Goals and more, as we continue to create awareness and proceed the exploration of leading solutions day by day.
Considering the pandemic we’ve all witnessed so vividly the last 2 years, along with global warming and rising conflict everywhere, wants to proactively address future change makers and contribute with this dedication to all of those, who have made it a priority in their lives to be loud and relentless, about rising above the unpleasant inequities and illnesses evolving more and more througout the world today.
Sincere and with nothing but positivity to offer, we’re throwing a color- and playfull, easy to use website with great informative content into the mix of existing NPO’s / NGO’s. With a modern metaphor and digital monument, inspiring peace and freedom, love and life, we’re making efforts to support established organizations such as United Nation (SDG’s), UNICEF, Amnesty, Peta, WWF, Greenpeace, Sea-Watch, Save the Children, Red Cross, Peace One Day, amfAR, The Global Goals and more, as we continue to create awareness and proceed the exploration of leading solutions day by day.

United Twosday refers to the exceptional upcoming date 22-02-2022 | 02-22-2022 | 2022-02-22. Not only that it’s the last and only date combining the most identical figures for the next 2 centuries, it actually does fall on a Tuesday. What sounds like a joke first, suddenly turns into a mystifying and somehow pleasant coincidence, that couldn’t be more real.
It will be the last and only possible date, including the most identical figures the next 2 centuries – a historical event, everyone can positively participate at. The only comparable day that has occurred nearly 1000 years ago, was 11-11-1111. Demonstrate your commitment to positivity and the urge to make a change now. Participate and help to create bonding awareness of an exceptional occasion. What history should have taught us already many times before, will be portrayed vividly, as the human-made concept of time finally speaks for itself.

It will be the last and only possible date, including the most identical figures the next 2 centuries – a historical event, everyone can positively participate at. The only comparable day that has occurred nearly 1000 years ago, was 11-11-1111. Demonstrate your commitment to positivity and the urge to make a change now. Participate and help to create bonding awareness of an exceptional occasion. What history should have taught us already many times before, will be portrayed vividly, as the human-made concept of time finally speaks for itself.

A big thank you to all the incredibly talented craftswomen and men, artists and bloggers, who share their creative visions with us. It’s your selfless effort, strive and will, to gift this world with art, that makes our lives so much more enjoyable. Lifetimes and humble existences, dedicated to creation and too often gone unnoticed, are the burdens you’re willing to take, just to protect your personal freedom. Countless days and nights spent unrewarded, yet full of passion.
You are the ones brave enough, to face cruel societal resentments, for living self-determined lives and for pointing out, what’s often considered to be inconvenient, critically absurd, or just plain beautiful with glitter on top.
Torn between the urge for natural existence and false societal expectations, to an extent where constructed mental disorder is praised as a desirable mind frame, we’ve been conditioned to believe, that we can only live in peace and without the abuse and fear we are subjected to, if we follow our egos and surrender to the status we are offered to believe in. If following the purpose of creating individually would be valued more in today’s society, this world would be a much more peaceful place for all of us.
As crazy as it is, when you realize that narcissistic self-importance evolves from conformity, it’s not even a choice but mandatory. A simple equation that evidently explains, why neither fascism, racism or chauvinism, nor capitalism and religious fanaticism can ever be a reasonable solution to gain personal satisfaction. If we find reason within our souls without constantly comparing ourselves to others, we can bloom and overcome the void we are purposely kept attached to, by superiority and the substitutional consumerism we are promised acceptance with.
Our destiny is not to hate and compete, but to love and carry each other, so we can fulfill the reason we’ve been put on this earth for. Because creation is our naturally given desire, that can not be suppressed or limited, for the sake of economic growth and politics. We need a society that allows enough freedom for people to become who they truly are, so they can live up to their highest potential. Now is the time to spiritually shift and reset our obsolete standards. Away from materialistic needs, wasting resources and exploiting each other, towards improving the lacking social hygiene we’ve developed in the past.
It’s empathy that guides our way to healthy self care and happiness.
Only if we successfully transform our current collective state of mind, we can build a sustainable future and maintain the achievements our pioneering ancestors, sisters and brothers accomplished for us. With their bare hands, vision and hard work. All the ingredients to cook up the most delicious recipe are in plain sight, served on a silver platter and ready to be enjoyed. Given the chance to improve and grow, we are blessed to be alive in the most exciting time ever.
Torn between the urge for natural existence and false societal expectations, to an extent where constructed mental disorder is praised as a desirable mind frame, we’ve been conditioned to believe, that we can only live in peace and without the abuse and fear we are subjected to, if we follow our egos and surrender to the status we are offered to believe in. If following the purpose of creating individually would be valued more in today’s society, this world would be a much more peaceful place for all of us.
As crazy as it is, when you realize that narcissistic self-importance evolves from conformity, it’s not even a choice but mandatory. A simple equation that evidently explains, why neither fascism, racism or chauvinism, nor capitalism and religious fanaticism can ever be a reasonable solution to gain personal satisfaction. If we find reason within our souls without constantly comparing ourselves to others, we can bloom and overcome the void we are purposely kept attached to, by superiority and the substitutional consumerism we are promised acceptance with.
Our destiny is not to hate and compete, but to love and carry each other, so we can fulfill the reason we’ve been put on this earth for. Because creation is our naturally given desire, that can not be suppressed or limited, for the sake of economic growth and politics. We need a society that allows enough freedom for people to become who they truly are, so they can live up to their highest potential. Now is the time to spiritually shift and reset our obsolete standards. Away from materialistic needs, wasting resources and exploiting each other, towards improving the lacking social hygiene we’ve developed in the past.
It’s empathy that guides our way to healthy self care and happiness.
Only if we successfully transform our current collective state of mind, we can build a sustainable future and maintain the achievements our pioneering ancestors, sisters and brothers accomplished for us. With their bare hands, vision and hard work. All the ingredients to cook up the most delicious recipe are in plain sight, served on a silver platter and ready to be enjoyed. Given the chance to improve and grow, we are blessed to be alive in the most exciting time ever.

In order to provide you with stunning content continuously, all posts are scheduled weeks ahead. Handpicked, not offensive or explicit, they serve as an archive, where pop-cultural relicts and rarities, history facts and design, as well as architecture and everything that evidently portrays the beauties of our nature, is collected. However, due to the huge amount of images viewed prior to publishing, pictures that do not represent United Twosday’s intention, may slip through before being detected and sorted out. They will be deleted immediately upon recognition. If you find anything inappropriate and offensive to you, please contact via Constructive notifications are always appreciated.
This archive does not serve any intentionally cynical or passive-aggressive projections, nor is it under any circumstance, responsible for where you might be led to, by third party sites. The United Twosday campaign also encourages everyone to educate themselves about the destructive dynamics of criminalization, stigmatization, hate-speech, shaming and slandering, as well as the disgusting narrative of racially motivated hate and crimes against humanity in general. It’s essential to understand and condemn such behavior to the fullest, and not cater to any form of mobbing related to heritage, sexuality, addiction, mental illness, or other disabillities, in order to prevent those affected, from either suffering lifelong damages, or at its worst, committing suicide as a result of the unacceptable mistreatment they’re subjected to.
With that in mind, lets not forget what this is about. Call your parents, grandparents, family and friends. Tell your loved ones how much you care about them more often. If necessary, make peace and reconcile. With kindness, tolerance and the power of empathy as the core of social growth and consciousness, embrace the life we share together side by side – anywhere, every day.
With love,
This archive does not serve any intentionally cynical or passive-aggressive projections, nor is it under any circumstance, responsible for where you might be led to, by third party sites. The United Twosday campaign also encourages everyone to educate themselves about the destructive dynamics of criminalization, stigmatization, hate-speech, shaming and slandering, as well as the disgusting narrative of racially motivated hate and crimes against humanity in general. It’s essential to understand and condemn such behavior to the fullest, and not cater to any form of mobbing related to heritage, sexuality, addiction, mental illness, or other disabillities, in order to prevent those affected, from either suffering lifelong damages, or at its worst, committing suicide as a result of the unacceptable mistreatment they’re subjected to.
With that in mind, lets not forget what this is about. Call your parents, grandparents, family and friends. Tell your loved ones how much you care about them more often. If necessary, make peace and reconcile. With kindness, tolerance and the power of empathy as the core of social growth and consciousness, embrace the life we share together side by side – anywhere, every day.
With love,